=== Interactive Map of the World for WP ====== Contributors: html5maps Donate link: https://www.fla-shop.com/ Tags: map, maps, interactive map, html5 map, svg map, clickable map, dealer map, html5maps, fla-shop.com, World Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 6.5.4 Stable tag: 3.4.7 Nice looking interactive HTML5 Map of the World for WordPress with an option to customize the view and the behavior of the map. == Description == Put an interactive high-quality HTML5 Map of the World to your WordPress powered blog! Whenever you need to give your visitors a simple yet effective way to navigate through regional sections of your blog, or if you want to provide some geography-related information to your readers, Fla-shop.com interactive HTML5 map plugin is a one-stop solution. The plugin allows you to display a detailed map by simply adding a special tag into the main content of a page or a post. Thanks to visual editing of map's properties and effortless installation, the map can be deployed in merely few minutes. Features: * Detailed HTML5 map * Works on iPad and iPhone. No Flash * Clickable areas (regions, states etc.) * Popup windows that show when the mouse cursor is over it * Can display additional information below or right of the map * Adjustable colors of the map and each region individually * Customizable click behavior * Customizable landing page links * Builds into any WordPress page or post as a simple shortcode == Installation == 1. Use the Plugins -> Add new -> Upload menu and select plugin's zip file to open. 2. Wait for the upload to complete and activate the plugin. 3. After that, insert the map short code ie `[worldcountrieshtml5map id="0"]` into the text of a page or a post where you want the map to be. Short codes can be viewed on tab "Maps". Alternatively, upload the folder of the plugin to your `/wp-content/plugins/` folder then follow steps 2 and the rest as above. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can I insert a map to a page? = Insert the map short code into the text of a page or a post where you want the map to be. Short codes can be viewed on tab "Maps". = Can I use two differently configured maps on the same blog? = Yes. Any number of maps. = I want to execute a JavaScript instead of opening a URL when the region is clicked. Is this possible? = Yes. You can type any valid JavaScript code in the URL field of the region's settings. Note though, that the region's click option must be set to "Open a URL" in this case. = I don't want to use popup windows. Instead, I would like to display information below the map. = Set the region's click option to "Show more info" in the Detailed Settings section, and type the information you would like to display, or upload media. = What kind of media can I use in the side panel displayed below the map or right of it? = Any type WordPress can deal with. == Changelog == = 2.2 = * Support WordPress multisite. = 2.1 = * Export/import map settings. = 2.0 = * Ability to create multiple maps. = 1.0 = * Initial release.